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- Legal and Contractual helpline (England) offering one hour’s free advice per year on construction law, contracts and dispute resolution in England and Wales
T: 0844 249 9871
W: - Legal and Contractual helpline (Scotland) offering thirty minutes’ free advice per case on construction law, contracts and dispute resolution in Scotland
T: 0844 249 9872
W: - Adjudicator nominations free of charge from a leading Adjudicator Nominating Body in the event of disputes with contractors and clients
T: 0844 249 5353
W: - Contracts and construction-related publications at up to 10% discount including the JCT 2011 contracts,
the CIJC Working Rule Agreement and the Construction Health and Safety Manual
T: 0844 249 1007
- Homeowner Contracts
- How to Select a JCT Contract
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