Member Benefits
- Tax & Benefits helpline of tax and business matters, including CIS, insolvency and tax status
T: 0844 249 9875
W: - Construction Finance, a flexible finance package designed specifically for the construction sector, which provides an immediate and on-going supply of funding against uncertified applications for payment
T: 0844 249 1009
W: - Creditlook provides information about customers trading outside of agreed payment terms
T: 0844 249 5906
W: - Credit management advice, guidance and training including specific guides to managing cashflow from the Institute of Credit Management (ICM) and BIS
W: - Credit reports on contractors and clients and discounted business credit referencing services
T: 0844 249 1008
E: [email protected] - Insurance support including advice and competitive rates on a wide range of tailored insurance products
T: 0844 249 5901
W: Photography at preferential rates for use in presentations, company literature and tender documentation
T: 0844 249 1005- Retention bond facility providing an alternative to cash retentions to improve cashflow
T: 0844 249 5903
- 2012 Construction Commitments
- BIM Guide for Specialist Contractors
- HMRC Starting in Business e-Learning Tool
- Integrated Working Guidance
- Sustainable Working: Top 10 Tips
- VAT: Change in Rate